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Surgical Intervention Following a First Traumatic Anterior Shoulder Dislocation is Worthy of Consideration

Surgical Intervention Following a First Traumatic Anterior Shoulder Dislocation is Worthy of Consideration

Up to 60% of patients experience recurrence after a first traumatic anterior shoulder dislocation (FTASD), which is often defined as having experienced either dislocation or subluxation. Thus, surgical intervention following a FTASD is worthy of consideration and is guided by the number of patients that need to receive surgical intervention to prevent one redislocation (i.e., Number Needed to Treat), (subjective) health benefit, complication risk, and costs.

Source: Arthroscopy

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  • American Orthopaedic Society for Sports Medicine Logo
  • The Arthroscopy Association of North America LOGO
  • Joliet Junior College
  • The Ohio State University